Do you avoid the dentist’s office because of dental anxiety or fear? Would you prefer trying to handle oral discomfort rather than coming in for a restorative procedure? Imagine being able to come in for any procedure and feeling completely at ease. Here at Nance Family Dental, we offer sedation dentistry to help you relax during dental procedures.
What Is Sedation Dentistry?
Sedation dentistry is medication used to help relax those with anxiety or fear toward dental procedures. We offer two types of sedation:
Oral sedation | This is administered in the form of a pill and can be taken before you come in for your appointment. This method offers minimal to moderate sedation, meaning you will likely be awake during the procedure, but tranquil. If you receive a higher dose, you may be awake, but forget some of the procedure. Oral sedation is known to make some people groggy, so you may fall asleep, but can easily be awoken.
Nitrous oxide | Unlike oral sedation, nitrous oxide, also known as “laughing gas,” is administered through a mask over your nose and continues throughout the entire dental procedure. This is an appropriate sedative if your fear or anxiety is mild or moderate.
Why Should I Choose Sedation Dentistry?
Regular dental visits are important for your overall oral health. If fear has kept you from routine cleanings and exams or a bigger procedure like getting a crown or fillings, sedation can be the key to getting you back on track. Sedation allows us to administer our services quicker, while providing comfort and a sensitivity-free experience for you.
Let Us Help
We will do everything we can to help you feel relaxed and comfortable throughout any dental procedure you receive. Call the Doctors Depot today to discuss your specific needs. We will find a solution that works best for you.