
Are you missing a tooth? Do you have dental decay that’s causing discomfort? Imagine feeling confident smiling for a picture at any angle or not having to worry about pain in your mouth. Here at Nance Family Dental, we offer dental implants that will help improve your smile and restore your oral health.

Dental Implants Explained

A dental implant is a metal post, designed to replicate a tooth root. It is surgically attached to the jawbone, allowing the implant to act like your natural teeth. Once the post is in place, an artificial tooth is set.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants are a great option for people who are missing teeth or have damaged teeth that need to be removed. Here are three of the top benefits of implants:

  1. Natural Appearance | Implants can be created to match your other teeth so they won’t look like they’re out of place. Also, they help protect the jawbone from deterioration, so your face shouldn’t collapse like it could if there were nothing supporting the artificial tooth. You will still look like yourself once the implant is in place.
  2. Comfort | You don’t have to worry about whether implants fit or if they’ll slide out. Since they become a part of your oral structure, implants are made to fit into your mouth perfectly.
  3. Overall Oral Health | Implants support your overall oral health because they preserve the jawbone and no other teeth have to be damaged to complete the procedure. They also allow you to continue your usual dental hygiene habits. You will clean your implant just like you would clean all of your other teeth.

A Team Who Cares

Come see our caring team to determine if dental implants are right for your particular circumstances. We will walk you through the process and help you get one step closer the smile you’ve always wanted!