Root canal therapy is necessary when the pulp of your tooth, the soft tissue inside of the root canal, becomes infected or inflamed. If you need to undergo root canal (also known as endodontic) treatment, our team at Nance Family Dental will work hard to keep you as comfortable as possible during the procedure and get you one step closer to “the happiest teeth on earth.”
How Can I Tell If I Need Root Canal Treatment?
There are several signs that you might need root canal treatment. If you have experienced any of the following, come see us to determine if root canal therapy may be necessary for you:
- Sensitivity and pain while eating hot or cold foods, as well as after
- Tooth discoloration
- Mild to severe tooth pain, especially when eating
- Tender or swollen gums near tooth pain
- Small bumps on gums near tooth pain
How Can Treatment Help?
Root canal treatment offers a number of advantages, including the one you will probably most desire when dealing with a problematic pulp: relief from pain. Treatment also protects your tooth from extraction, keeps other teeth from shifting, and protects the jawbone. Because a crown or another type of restoration is placed on your tooth after root canal therapy, the appearance of your tooth can improve.
What Is the Process?
During the root canal treatment process, our team will remove the infected pulp and then clean the area before the tooth is filled and sealed. The tooth will be filled and sealed. After this, a crown will be placed on the tooth, restoring it to its original shape and size.
How We Can Help
To learn more about whether root canal therapy may be necessary for you, come see us for a consultation. We will work hard to treat you like family and help you feel at ease during this helpful procedure.